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Working With An Auto Dealer

About a year ago, I realized we were going to need to invest in a new family vehicle. The car that we had was dying fast, and I was worried about my wife getting to and from all of the places that she needed to travel. We started looking around for different places to shop, and I found an auto dealer that was absolutely incredible. I worked with them to negotiate a fair price for the car, and I learned a few tricks along the way. This blog is all about negotiating effectively with an automotive dealer, so that you don't end up with buyer's remorse.

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Working With An Auto Dealer

Why A Cargo Van Makes Sense For Touring Musicians

by Milla Halko

If you're a musician who is getting ready to take a tour around your state and beyond, your method of transportation will be something to think about. If you own a car, it almost certainly has an inadequate amount of storage space for touring, so you'll need to think about what to buy. While some musicians buy a trailer that they can tow with their vehicle, another option is to buy a cargo van. Visit a local dealership that specializes in this type of vehicle so that you can not only take a test drive but so that you can also assess the amount of interior space that a cargo van offers. Here are some reasons that a cargo van makes sense for touring musicians.

It Provides Sleeping Space

Many musicians opt to sleep in their vehicles on tour rather than spend money on nightly accommodation. If you were to tow a trailer with your car, you wouldn't have proper sleeping space. Sleeping in a car can be highly uncomfortable, while it's not advisable to sleep in a trailer because of the lack of ventilation. With a cargo van, you'll have no trouble opening the windows for fresh air, setting your gear on one side of the van, and putting a cot or mattress on the other side to provide a suitable space to sleep.

It's Easier To Drive

Some people feel intimidated about the idea of towing a trailer. While it's not difficult to tow while you're driving forward, a trailer can be challenging when you need to back up. Musicians often have to drive their vehicles in tight quarters. For example, you might have a narrow alley behind a venue in which you need to park to unload your gear. In this environment, you'd almost certainly feel more comfortable backing up in a cargo van than trying to do so with a trailer.

It Takes Up Less Space At Home

You'll need to think about where you'll park whatever you purchase when you're at home, rather than on tour. If you were to get rid of your car and replace it with a cargo van, you'd have one vehicle in your driveway. However, if you were to keep your car and buy a trailer, you'd take up a lot more space. If space in your driveway is at a premium, which may be the case if you live with family members or roommates who have their own vehicles, a cargo van can be a better choice than a vehicle and a trailer.

Check out a local dealership if you are interested in cargo vans, including Ford Transits.
